Hello DIDC Dancers & Families,
In alignment with the Greenland School District, DIDC will be moving to “mask optional” on Monday, March 14th.
Please note that while Greenland Central School is mask optional NOW, DIDC will CONTINUE to require masks this week so that we may ease into the transition and be sure all of our studio families are aware of the new protocol.
As a reminder, if your dancer has any COVID 19 symptoms, please keep them home.
In addition, if your dancer has tested positive for COVID and are symptom-free, your dancer may return to the studio after five days of isolation, but must still wear a mask for days 6-10, per NH DHHS.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to head back to normalcy at DIDC!
If you have any questions or concerns, please call (603) 436-2300 or email info@didc.dance
Thank you,
Miss Katie & DIDC