“My daughter started at DIDC shortly before her 4th birthday. She has had anxiety issues since she was a toddler, and would avoid playing with other kids. She has, however, always loved music and dancing.
She screamed and ran off the stage at her first recital (it was kind of adorable) but the following year, she was center stage with no fear at all! In the three years that she’s been at DIDC, her confidence and friendliness have grown exponentially.
She’s still an introvert. It’s who she is, and there’s nothing wrong with that! But she’s got more confidence that I could have hoped for when she started. I know DIDC has been a major part of her growth.
Miss Katie, Mollie, JJ and the whole team of strong, intelligent, healthy women are a fantastic example for all children.
I hope she dances with them for years to come.”