Do I have to pay for a new costume?
No, not if you remain in the same class.
Can I pickup my costume now?
Yes, please contact the studio to arrange pickup.
SHOULD I pickup my costume now?
Costumes no longer in the studio’s possession are at risk for loss or damage or even sizing issues. A lot can happen in a year. If you are concerned whether or not a growth spurt is around the corner, I would recommend taking advantage of our Costume Guarantee 2021.
What is Costume Guarantee 2021?
$10/costume or $50/student (unlimited costumes), we will hold onto your costume at the studio and guarantee it fits for the 2021 recital (whether altered or exchanged).
What if I already took it home? Can I still bring it back for Costume Guarantee 2021?
Yes. Registered dancers may bring back your costume to participate in Costume Guarantee 2021. However, the costume must be returned in it’s original bag with all of it’s contents (as shown on the costume label). Ripped, torn, or damaged items are not accepted.
What if I already took it home and keep it at home? And then it doesn’t fit?
We will try to aid you in alterations and’/or exchanges, but cannot make any guarantees.
Can I add another class/costume?
Surely! However, the usual costume deposit/balance schedule will apply.
What if I don’t want to take a class? Am I stuck with my costume?
Keep it for dress up! Or if you would like to chance that we could buy it back, please keep it in it’s bag and let us know so if we end up having new students in that same class and could use the costume, we will contact you.
We’re not coming back. Can you buy-back my costume?
Unfortunately costume sales are final. Please contact us and let us know, so if we end up having new students in that same class and could use the costume, we will contact you. If that is the case, please keep it in it’s original bag with all of it’s contents (as shown on the costume label). Ripped, torn, or damaged items are not accepted.
We’re not coming back. My dancer missed out on picture day and recital!
We will miss you but we invite you back to join us for Picture Day 2021! However, only current dancers will participate in the postponed recital. We do understand the desire for a culmination experience, so we are making a 2020 Slideshow to celebrate this year, please be sure to email with your photos and videos for you dancer to be included in this special commemoration.
What about seniors who’ve graduated?
2020 Graduating Seniors are invited to do their Senior Solo at our 2021 recital.
What about 2020 five and ten year awards?
You will receive these at the 2021 recital in your own special awards segment so you receive the honor and fanfare that you deserve.
What about Perfect Attendance?
Given the circumstances and regulations due to COVID-19, we are removing Perfect Attendance from our awards. We still encourage you to come to class BUT do not want anyone to feel pressured to make unhealthy choices for a trophy. We will still honor ALL dancers with a participation medal and encourage dancers to strive for five, ten, and even fifteen year awards!
Will we do the same dance we were working on?
Possibly. We are using the same costumes definitely, maybe the music, but we hope to, at the very least, rework choreography to showcase our dancers’ increased skills they will learn over the coming year.
Which class do I take?
Anyone you’d like. However, in order to use the same costume (and avoid a new costume fee), we encourage you to register for one of the timeslots recommended in your Customer Portal account.
Will it be the exact same class as last year? Is it going to be repetitive or will I learn new things?
No, it will be the same students and teacher most likely, but we will be picking up where we left off in order to keep progressing. We will be using the same costumes definitely, maybe the music, but we hope to, at the very least, rework choreography to showcase our dancers’ increased skills they will learn over the coming year. Please note, the name and/or level of your class may be different now as we are “leveling up” all of our classes accordingly.
I’m not sure I’m ready for in-person classes. Will there be a Zoom option?
Yes, ALL classes will be hybrid. They will be in-person and zoom simultaneously. Zoom-only students can be enrolled at a discounted rate and must contact Miss Mollie to do so.
I plan to go to classes in-person regularly. If I am not able to make it to class, can I join via Zoom?
Sure! ALL dancers will have access to Zoom for their individual classes.
What safety precautions will you be taking?
As guidelines continue to change, we are continuously reworking our safety protocols but will give full details as we near the start of the season. We follow all state and federal guidelines as well as those from the CDC and WHO.
I registered for Summer. What’s happening with that?
As we’ve been focusing on THIS season and how to move forward, we have not forgotten about summer! We will be personally contacting all summer registrants mid-June once we finish the current season (which ends June 13th).
My NEW class name/level was changed and now has an asterisk next to it. Can I still enroll or do I need permission?
If it was in your recommendations, you may enroll in ANY class recommended to you. Please see the Customer Portal account for your personal recommendations.
I understand that classes are going to “level up” but I thought I would get to move to 10+ classes next year… why am I still a Junior?
We have restructured our leveling program so that now we go buy GRADE-LEVEL and NOT by age as well as changing the guidelines for each grade-level bracket. For instance, TINY classes are for toddlers through Pre-K/K. MINI classes are for K through 2nd grade. JUNIOR classes are 3rd through 5th. And LEVELED classes are for grades 6th+. There are a few exceptions that may cross lines for THIS YEAR ONLY in order to accomodate the extenuating circumstances. Please contact us for personal guidance as needed.
We had a daytime class, but now my dancer is going to full-day kindergarten in the fall. What do we do?
Please see your personalized recommendations in the Customer Portal account. We have made adjustments accordingly in order to account for scheduling and costume issues. Please contact us for personal guidance as needed.
What about Team DIDC?
For all team-related inquires, please contact Miss Jamie directly at