For team inquiries, please approach Miss Jamie or Miss Sarah at the studio or email us at:
We encourage dancers to be as dedicated to their academic studies as they are to their dance training. If your participation in this program affects your grades or the expectations and goals set by your parents, we cannot allow you to continue in the program.
There will be times when classes, rehearsals, or performances will be scheduled when your non-dance friends or family may be headed to the mall or the movies.

Reasons Why This Program Might Be A Good Fit For You:
Current Team members MUST re-audition every season.
Team Requirements
Required Summer Classes
ALL TEAM MEMBERS are required to keep up their dance skills over the summer.
All Team Members MUST attend a minimum of SIX/EIGHT/TEN (depending on their level) Days of the DIDC Summer Dance Intensive
*Failure to adhere to any of the above rules and regulations could result in dismissal from the team.
Dance Team Entry Fees
Fees are approximately $65–$85 per dancer per routine per competition. Please be aware that if you are in 3 routines, you have to pay 3 entry fees. Solos, duos, and trios may compete as well for an additional $85-160 per dance per competition. We will participate in at least 3 competitions and possibly other community performances. Dancers may also have the option of attending a dance convention (a day of master classes with teachers from across the country) and/or a National Competition.
*There is an annual Team Fee that is roughly $250 which is due once you sign the Team Handbook in September.
Dance Team Costumes
Dance Team Costumes are approximately $80-130 each. Payment follows the regular schedule – costume deposits ($50 per costume) will be due on November 1st and the balance will be due on December 10th.
Dance Team Jackets
Dance Team Jackets are approximately $120-140. Matching dance pants are approximately $45-65. Jackets are REQUIRED – pants are optional. These are a one-time purchase – you only will need a new jacket year-to-year if you grow out of it or lose it.
Makeup & Earrings
Team members are all required to have specific makeup – we order team makeup kits through the studio (included in the annual team fee). Earrings, also available through the studio only, are approximately $15. They are available as clip-on’s and posts. Earrings do not need to be repurchased year-to-year unless you need replacements.